--!A beautiful smile with ceramic veneers!--
In today's society, socio-professional success is coveted by most individuals. A healthy and especially beautiful smile can often guarantee this success. Beautiful teeth give our peers a pleasant smile, making us much more self-confident, self-assured and, last but not least, much bolder.
Whether we are looking for a job or getting involved in romantic relationships, the chances of success are much higher for people with perfect teeth. Ceramic veneers are thin porcelain "coverings" that are applied to the visible surface of the front teeth, especially to the superiors, harmoniously restoring their physiognomy.
It is made uniquely, in the desired shape, color and position and aesthetically corrects the damaged tooth or teeth, whether it is caries and fractures, diastema (turning) or chips, deformations or persistent discoloration, crowded or abraded teeth.
Because their preparation involves art and science and requires long experience, respectively special technology, the veneer treatment is considered the "tip of the spear" among dental cosmetic procedures. It is among the few ways to quickly obtain the "dream smile", being a treatment highly requested by Hollywood or show-biz stars.
Being very thin, the tooth is polished very little, the work being considered minimally invasive. It is made with great care, manually, by the dental technician or modern and fast, with the help of cad/cam technology. Regardless of the manufacturing method, the doctor prepares the teeth in the office, grinding a minimum amount of dental substance (0.5-0.7mm), compared to a crown, when the tooth requires grinding more than 1.5 mm on all its faces. The procedure of grinding is done under local anesthesia and the doctor works on one tooth, several teeth or the entire frontal group in the case of total smile restoration.
A very important stage, before starting the treatment, is the color registration. The final color is chosen by the patient together with the specialist in dental aesthetics and on his advice. The color of the future porcelain veneers will be chosen according to the color of the skin, eyes and hair, so that after their rehabilitation, the veneered teeth will look natural, and overall lovely appearance. Very white teeth do not always mean very beautiful teeth! Anyway, the color of the future veneers must be correlated with the other teeth in the oral cavity.
Advantages of veneers:
- It represents the ideal treatment for problem teeth (decayed, cracked, chipped, broken), stained (stains from inappropriate tetracycline or fluoride treatments, persistent nicotine and coffee stains) or misshapen (inappropriate shape and size, crooked or rotated teeth). In general, people want straight teeth and whiten quickly, without going through the stress of wearing a dental appliance for a long time. That's why, thanks to the cad/cam technology, with the help of ceramic or zirconium veneers and crowns, we can get correctly aligned, bright and beautiful teeth in a short time short.
- Aesthetic
Patients can look 10 years younger. With the help of porcelain veneers, we can correct the shape of the teeth (narrow, broken, with spaces between them), the size (short, too long, uneven), the color (colored or stained) and the alignment (crooked and crossed) of the teeth. The texture and translucency are similar to that of natural teeth.
- Minimally invasive and biotolerant
Making dental veneers involves minor grinding of the tooth enamel, while keeping the tooth alive. The final goal of dental veneers is to obtain restorations that are perfectly integrated physiognomically, in harmony with the face and gums, while preserving vital teeth.
Due to the very high chemical stability and zero toxicity to the gums, the veneers are perfectly tolerated by the tissues in the oral cavity. Because they have smooth and shiny surfaces, the bacterial plaque adheres with difficulty to the dental veneers, reducing the risk of gum inflammation. Having no metal structure, black, unsightly shadows will not appear at the border between the tooth and the veneer. Very importantly, the gum is perfectly groomed during grinding because the work limit will be placed exactly at the border of the gum and not below it.
- Stability over time
Ceramic dental veneers represent a solution for the aesthetic rehabilitation of the smile with good results over time, being clearly superior to whitening or restoration with composite materials (dental bonding). The number of years cannot be predicted in terms of their resistance over time, but it is a recommended treatment for 10-15 years, it being totally unrealistic to expect them to last forever. The lifespan of dental veneers is long if the patient maintains them properly, through impeccable oral hygiene at home and through periodic professional hygiene in the office.
It is also recommended that he wear some protective devices called braces during sleep, in order not to apply unpredictable forces during sleep to these delicate restorations. Ceramic veneers have become the modern alternative to metal-ceramic dental crowns or the all-ceramic ones.
The disadvantage of metal-ceramic crowns is that the metal can seep through the ceramic at the level of the gum, giving it an unaesthetic appearance, and in the case of all-ceramic crowns, a great sacrifice of dental tissue is necessary through deeper grinding, which can often affect the gum or the pulp of the tooth.
The veneers are cemented to the tooth using the latest adhesive techniques.
The veneers are very thin - maximum 0.5 mm - but as soon as they are cemented, they integrate perfectly with the structure of the tooth and become extremely durable.
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